Friday, March 12, 2010

Superbowl in Kuna Yala

We are not real football fans, especially with the Pat's out of the picture, but believe it or not we are going to attend a super bowl party on the island of Nargna. We had stopped here to get some bread and gasoline and heard of the super bowl party set up by the folks on Southern Bell a catamaran along with some others. Since we were already here we decided to attend. We are rooting for the Saints. This island is more modern but still lacks internet. They do have cell phone service and we tried to buy a cell phone but they were all out until next week when we will be elsewhere. It is funny to go by grass roofed huts and see inside that they are watching TV. Most of the small stores also have tv's running. We ordered bread yesterday and got 2 dozen rolls this morning for $3.60. They were really good.
Hope you are all doing well. It sounds as if the east coast will be getting lots of snow tomorrow. Stay warm.

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