Saturday, November 14, 2009

September 1-5

Preparations to leave Atlantic Highlands for the overnight to Cape May started early in the morning. We went into town for some last minute items and found some great produce at the local farmer’s market. On our way back to the boat we bumped into someone that we had had last seen in Trinidad.

It was a really lumpy sail out around Sandy Hook and it didn’t smooth out for until we had gone over 5 miles. We were disappointed that the wind never came in the direction that had been forecasted, so we ended up motoring most of the time. This time we followed the coastline much closer in and Moira was thrilled that she didn’t have to worry about all the freighter traffic in the shipping lanes. On their watches during the night, Moira got to see firework displays in 3 different locations while Dick slept down below and he later got to see the bright lights of Atlantic City. Arrived in Cape May early in the morning and anchored near the Coast Guard Station. In the anchorage we meet up with friends, Pete and Stephanie, on their boat, Brilliant. We knew them from meeting in Antigua and Culebra, Spanish Virgin Islands. It’s amazing how small the cruising community really is!

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